The Kenhardt Story

Kenhardt Angus was established in 1957 by Hugh and Gwyneth Crawshaw in Oxford, with their cattle purchased from Beverly Hills and Mangatarata studs. The cattle from Beverly Hills were 'returning home' as they were previously owned by Gwyneth's parents, proving that the Kenhardt cattle have always been a family affair.
In 1973 the family moved to the north island driving by car accompanying the train with a wagon of stud cattle, a wagon of farm gear and a wagon of house-hold goods. The family with three children, Grant, Ron and Karen watered the stock wherever the train stopped overnight.
For a few years Hugh was known as the Gladstone farmer of Gisborne as he attended to his stock that grazed the Poverty Bay flats, whilst checking the real estate firms on a daily basis with an eye to purchase. The door was closed to the most difficult time of Hugh's farming life when they bought the Omana Farm at Nuhaka and moved into their new home.
Since then Grant has run the stud operation for 35+ years, his vision has always been on good structure and sound cattle, with bulls growing on as 2 year olds and performing on hill country.
The Crawshaw Family
Angus has always been and continues to be a passion for our family.
Grant and Sue were married in 1991 and have since had three children. From a young age the kids have always shown a love for not only Angus but farming in general.
Patrick completed his University Degree at Lincoln University studying a Bachelor of Commerce Agriculture majoring in Farm Management. He has developed stock judging skills, that has been fine tuned at Future Beef NZ, which he has competed since the inaugural competition of 2007. In 2013, Patrick was selected as the captain for the top NZ team for the World Angus Forum. In 2014, Patrick was the head judge for Angus Cattle at the National Beef Expo, which is a huge triumph at such a young age. Patrick is now farming alongside his wife Isabelle and daughter Charlotte, at Te Hau Station in Patoka.
Nancy completed her degree at Lincoln University with a Bachelor of Agriculture Science. Nancy alike Patrick has competed in Future Beef NZ every year since 2007, and this year she won the 2014 Allflex Future Beef New Zealand Senior Ambassador. Nancy represented NZ at the Australisian RAS State finals a few years ago at Queensland Show and came away as the champion Stock judge of Australasia. Nancy is now working in Australia for Teys, which is a very exciting venture.